FES Products - Upper & Lower Limb System
RehaMove FES Bike - Loop.la
FES Cycling with a RehaMove system is an effective way of keeping fit and exercising when, following a spinal cord injury, stroke, MS or other neurological challenge, regular exercise is difficult to get.
This 8 channel FES system with the MOTOmed Loop.la allows for upper & lower limb cycling, incorporating any or all of the upper and lower limb muscles, and the trunk.
This FES technology uses precise functional electrical stimulation to actively exercise the muscles of paralysed limbs. This improves circulation, eases spasms, strengthens muscles and much more. This is vital for long-term health and can be used safely at home.
Each RehaMove System includes the innovative ‘Sequence Mode’ software which enables the user to utilise the stimulator independently from the bike, to enhance other functional exercises eg. sit to stand.
Key Features.
The RehaMove Loop.l system is one of the most trusted and well used FES bikes for upper and lower limb cycling in the UK. Here are some of the key features that set it apart.
8 Channel Stimulation
Choose from a set of pre-made stimulation templates, or get creative and make your own! Stimulate up to 4 muscle groups or 8 individual channels for example:
- quads, hamstrings, pre-tibial & gastroc (calf)
- quads, hamstrings & glutes
Intuitive Interface
With seamless integration between the bike and stimulator you can easily navigate the software to start training, create new programmes, and make any adjustments as your health improves or your requirements change.
Sequence Mode
Open up a world of possibility by integrating FES with functional exercises away from the bike!
With sequence mode you can use our set of pre-made templates to train sit to stands, leg extensions, core stability and more!
Client Story
Claire Lomas is a very busy mum, speaker, campaigner and fundraiser. Keeping fit and healthy after her spinal injury is a priority to enable her to do all the things she sets out to do - whether thats day to day chores or learning to fly!
Benefits of FES Cycling
There are many short and long term health benefits to FES Cycling. Here are just a few of the key benefits listed below.
If you’d like to know more about the research behind FES, we’ve provided a download in the Resource section below.
Rebuild Muscle Strength & Bulk
By actively cycling (using your own muscles to power the movement) you can maintain or improve muscle bulk and health.
Many clients also report improved confidence as regular use reduces risk of atrophy and keeps the muscle shapely.
Increase Bone Density & Reduce Risk of Pressure Sores
Building and maintaining strength in the muscles helps to keep the bones strong, reducing the risk of osteoporosis or fracture. By increasing the blood circulation in the extremities we also reduce the likelihood of pressure sores, and minor cuts becoming slow to heal.
Increase Activity & Improve Cardiovascular Health
Activities like regular cycling and standing play an important role in long term health, including improving NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), cardio fitness, bone strength and muscle power, whilst reducing risk of heart disease, type-2 diabetes & osteoperosis.
What People Are Saying
I have used fes cycling for over 12 years now - at least 5 times a week. I can honestly say it is the best bit of rehab equipment I have used. It helps maintain muscle mass, increase bone density and improve circulation - all helping prevent sci complications such as pressure sores, brittle bones and swollen limbs.
ACUK are friendly, approachable and incredibly knowledgeable.
Thank you. For helping keep me fit and healthy.
— C Lomas
Frequently Asked Questions
Sensory Complete or Incomplete SCI with intact lower motor neurons
Parkinsons Disease
Transverse Myolitis
Cerebral Palsy
Other neurological conditions or lower limb dysfunction
Denervated Muscles
Severe Spasticity (Moderate spasticity is often helped by this exercise although it make take up to 3 months for the benefits to be apparent.)
Limited range of motion at knee / hip
Severe osteoporosis
Damaged skin or open wounds near stimulation
Some metal implants and cardiac pacemakers
Weight over 135kg
Pregnant women should desist from using stimulation because the possible adverse effects are unknown and have not yet been rigorously investigated.
Individuals who have experienced autonomic dysreflexia should consult their usual doctor or ideally their spinal injuries consultant before commencing to use the system. If the prospective client can recognise the signs of this condition in themselves, and understand how to manage it, then this need not be a barrier to using a system. Avoid exercising with a full bladder or bowel - and remember to avoid dehydration by drinking a little water from time to time.
People injured more than 5 years ago may need special assessment before starting an exercise program.
The RehaMove can stimulate up to 8 channels (8 muscles) simultaneously. You can use any of our pre-made stimulation templates (which we recommend) but you can also get construct and make your own.
With this FES Bike LOOP.l version you can stimulate:Any lower limb muscles while cycling. (It is also possible to include some trunk)
Any upper or trunk muscles in Sequence Mode
Its really important to us that you feel confident in setting up and making adjustments to your system. FES Cycling should be a lifelong commitment to maintain good health, so empowering you with knowledge is critical to get the most out of it!
With every system sale we include:
Setup Visit
We will put together the system and remove any packaging. We will then spend a min of 90 mins going though system operation and setting up some basic cycling templates for you to use.
We document the whole session so you can ask us for a reminder later or have any questions.
We’re happy to train any family members or carers who may be assisting in future and we can provide a competency sign off where necessary.6 Week Follow Up
After you’ve had some time to consistently use the system we’ll visit for a further training session. At this point you may have some questions you would like us to answer. In this session we will take you through making adjustments to any current templates, and set up any others that you would be interested, or we would recommend, to try.Optional Sequence Mode Visit
We are happy to visit for a third time to cover a session specifically using Sequence Mode. This session will be focussed on functional goals, and/or integration with other equipment.
Absolutely! You can also further your knowledge in the following ways:
By joining our exclusive Online Community which includes resources, webinars, message boards and training challenges & ideas
Online course we offer free of charge to all our customers.
Video resources available online
Virtual Check-in / Refresher training
In-person refresher training
Sessions with our clinical partners
There is a 2 (two) year manufacturer’s warranty on the bike and stimulator unit. Electrode cables are covered by a 1 (one) year warranty.
Accidental or intentional damage is not covered by warranty.
We do not offer FES bikes to rent for a few reasons. One of the main reasons is that FES Cycling and other FES exercise is likely something you need to commit to for life in order to maintain good health.
If you have a good demonstration visit then FES would be suitable to use, and we would always ask clients to think carefully about their commitment to using a system.
We don’t offer any financing options or payment plans at the moment. We understand this would make the system accessible to more individuals, so we are looking at the possibilities and hope to be able to offer something soon.
The footprint is the same as the standard MOTOmed LOOP.l system:
Dimensions in cm (l x w x h): 70 x 60 x 107–122 cm
Weight: 31 kg / 68lbs
Maximum permissible user weight: 135 kg / 297 lbs
The stimulator mounted on top adds another 30cm to the standard height.
The RehaMove FES Bike can be moved easily around a room, home or clinic by simply tipping and rolling on its built-in wheels. We recommend that any cables or accessories are detached or safely moved out of the way before moving the bike.
The stimulator itself can be removed from the bracket and used as a stand alone device, or with other functional equipment. Some clients will even pack into a storage case and take on holiday!
The electrode pads and cables will degrade and require replacement over time. We also know that accidents happen and parts can be broken. You can find the most common consumables, accessories and spare parts to purchase on our webstore.
Sequence Mode Brochure
Discover some pre-made templates & exercises in Sequence Mode.
Download now
RehaMove Catalogue
Copy about what to expect from clicking the download link
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RehaMove User Guide
Official user guide documentation from Hasomed.
Download now
RehaMove FAQ
Download some FAQs from the manufacturer.
Download now
Consumables & Spare Parts
You can purchase consumables directly through our webstore (with VAT Relief)
RehaMove Parts
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If you are unsure of your requirements, or would like any guidance please Contact Us.
FES Cycling Process
1. Request A Demo / Complete the Risk Assessment
In order to organise a demo we ask you to complete a risk assessment. It gives us some basic information to make sure the device is safe and suitable for you to use.
Click the button below to complete!
2. We’ll Arrange a Demo
Using the details on your form we’ll ask one of our therapy partners to visit you for a demo of the device in your home, or if more convenient, a nearby clinical facility.
NB. Our Therapy Partners are not sales people. We contract them independently to assess your clinical suitability and make sure you are comfortable with all aspects of the device.
3. Personal Report & Quote
We’ll write up and email over your personal report. This will include full details of your session and the device configuration that best suits your needs.
If you’re happy with the recommendation we will send you a formal quote.
4. Place Your Order
Once you are happy, and we’ve answered all your questions you can accept our quote online, by email, or by phone, and we’ll get things in motion!
I’d Like More Information
Please complete this form and our FES Support team will be in touch asap.