Orthotic Products
We are the exclusive UK & EU Distributor of the Pressure Relief Ankle Foot Orthosis (PRAFO™) & wider orthotics range from Anatomical Concepts Inc. Whether a patient is in bed or in a wheelchair, pressure ulcers at the heel are important to prevent and difficult to treat. The PRAFO range is excellent in its ability to accommodate the widest range of clinical challenges in one device family.
Custom Orthosis
Our custom orthosis range, made to your patient’s cast, including the V-VAS and Blounts KAFO.
Coming Soon.
What makes a PRAFO unique?
When you choose a PRAFO, you can be assured of an excellent quality product and a set of standard features that set it apart from other available AFOs.
Versatile Sizing
One PRAFO can be used on either the left or right leg and is adjustable in foot length and calf length. You don’t need to stock a range of sizes or variations.
Metal Structural Upright
The PRAFO is the only device with a metal upright section. This is important because the device does not easily become displaced on the foot due to patient movement. It can also be used at night to resist development of plantarflexion contractures. If you use an AFO that flexes too much you can cause pressure ulcers on the foot.
Built in Walking Base
In order to safely mobilise the patient whilst in the device, there is a built in walking base.
Malleable Anti-Rotation Bar
Each PRAFO is fitted with an anti-rotation bar to prevent internal or external rotation of the limb, which can lead to pressure on the malleoli.
Fine Adjustment Capabilities
A PRAFO is the only device available with fine adjustment of the dorsiflexion / plantarflexion or equinovarus / valgus to accommodate existing deformity.
We have put together some basic guides, tools and downloads to help you find what you need quickly.
Choosing Your PRAFO
Use our interactive tool to help you pinpoint the needs of your patient and choose the right device.
PRAFO Quick Guide
A pdf download that outlines the main features of the PRAFO. Great for speaking with clinicians & patients alike.
Fitting Instructions
Download the manufacturer’s guidance on fitting and caring for your PRAFO.
Cleaning Instructions
A quick reference pdf on caring for and cleaning your PRAFO to keep it fresh and prolong its life.
Did you know…
We offer clinical training to orthotists, nurses, physios, OTs and other clinical professionals.
Whether you use our products already, or have never worked with them before, we provide online and in-person training for individuals, teams and companies on a wide range of conditions, applications and best practice. Browse our Speaking Events to see where we will be presenting next, or Ask Us about upcoming training.
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