The effect of FES Cycling on bone density

Combining a passive/active exercise bike with synchronised FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation) is a well-researched and well-known exercise modality for persons to use after a spinal cord injury or other neurological condition.  One of the benefits often sought by our spinal cord injured clients is preservation of bone density and we will look at the evidence for this in this article. Bone is a dynamic tissue - it responds to the needs placed upon it - getting stronger under load and weaker in the absence of load. Paralysis after a spinal cord injury and lack of activity that loads the bones results in a loss of bone strength and increased risk of fractures.. FES Cycing is one way of helping to prevent this.

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book, spinal cord injury, rehabilitation Derek Jones book, spinal cord injury, rehabilitation Derek Jones

Dont Back Down: A new book

Company director Derek Jones has a few years (actually decades) of experience working face to face with people following a spinal cord injury. His new book is aimed at newly injured persons and titled “Dont Back Down: Your guide to living well with a spinal cord injury”. It’s now available on Amazon as a paperback and Kindle book.
The content is a broad ranging and empowering guide to getting life back on track after a spinal cord injury.

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FES Cycling and improving health after spinal cord injury

Physically disabled people are the least active group in society. According to Sports England, disabled people are twice as likely to be inactive as able-bodied people. A RehaMove FES Cycling system provides a method that many spinal cord injured people use at home for long term fitness. Recent developments have made this exercise choice more engaging than ever

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