Bridging the Gap: Why neuroplasticity matters

In the Bridging the Gap series we are making comparisons between strategies and ideas used in training for elite sport and seeing if they are relevant to rehabilitation. In this article we are looking at the natural “learning process” of neuroplasticity which is the source of much hope and effort in rehabilitation.
The exciting discovery, revealed in glimpses over the last century, that the nervous system is plastic and adaptable even in adulthood, is a source of great hope to people with a spinal cord injury and other disorders such as stroke. We now call this inherent ability of the body to adapt, neuroplasticity, and recognise that the central nervous system (CNS) can undergo structural and functional change in response to new experiences.

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How much does an FES Cycling system cost in 2023?

One of the first questions that potential FES Cycling system owners might want to know is how much does a system cost? I guess from a potential client’s point of view there is not a lot of point in finding out about all the features and benefits if the cost is out of reach. In this article I can give you some guidance on the approach to pricing we apply to our RehaMove FES Cycling range.

Although pricing will obviously depend on the exact specification of a system, I can do my best to explain some of our thinking at Anatomical Concepts. We haven't set out to offer the least expensive or the most expensive FES bike and ultimately you will judge for yourself whether we offer good value.

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stroke, rehabilitation, recovery Derek Jones stroke, rehabilitation, recovery Derek Jones

What percentage of stroke patients make a full recovery?

Stroke can be a devastating and life-altering condition that affects a significant number of individuals each year. It can cause permanent damage to the brain, leading to long-term health consequences for patients, their families, and caregivers. As healthcare professionals, it's important for us to understand the recovery rate for stroke patients so that we can educate patients and their families on the outcomes they may expect. In this blog, we'll explore what percentage of stroke patients make a full recovery, what factors affect recovery, and what healthcare professionals can do to help patients achieve the best possible outcomes.

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neuroplasticity, rehabilitation Derek Jones neuroplasticity, rehabilitation Derek Jones

What is neuroplasticity and why should I care?

When thinking about this article I happened to be playing with a new AI (artificial intelligence), natural language, tool. There is a lot of buzz around AI (at the moment and it’s application to many sectors including healthcare. So I thought I would ask it a question - “What is neuroplasticity?”. The following is the answer I got - which I think is pretty impressive.

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book, spinal cord injury, rehabilitation Derek Jones book, spinal cord injury, rehabilitation Derek Jones

Dont Back Down: A new book

Company director Derek Jones has a few years (actually decades) of experience working face to face with people following a spinal cord injury. His new book is aimed at newly injured persons and titled “Dont Back Down: Your guide to living well with a spinal cord injury”. It’s now available on Amazon as a paperback and Kindle book.
The content is a broad ranging and empowering guide to getting life back on track after a spinal cord injury.

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