FES Cycling: How it elevates rehabilitation and fitness with 5 extraordinary benefits

Discover the revolutionary FES Cycling systems by Anatomical Concepts. Improve mobility and overall health post neurological condition with electrical muscle stimulation. Explore the top five benefits of FES bikes in this informative post.

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Do you want the best FES Bike?

Discover how choosing an FES bike can transform your fitness and independence. Overcome barriers and embrace the possibilities that technology and determination offer. Find a bike that supports your goals and encourages regular use for the best outcomes in your fitness journey. Harness the power of FES bikes to unlock your potential.

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Making FES Cycling system adjustments

The RehaMove FES Cycling system (sometimes known as an FES bike) is widely used by clients to allow them to exercise paralysed muscles actively. There are many benefits of doing this following a neurological condition such as a spinal cord injury.

This video may be of general interest, but will be particularly useful to existing users of our FES Cycling system who wish to get more from using the product. The video is around 15 minutes long and it addresses three commonly asked questions

  • Why should I use an FES bike?

  • When and why should I change the stimulation settings?

  • How should I make these changes?

The video distinguishes between training for a goal and general exercise and looks at a useful structure to think about how to train, The effect of changing each of the stimulation parameters is considered. You might want to term on subtitles when viewing the video.

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Tek RMD, Mobility Derek Jones Tek RMD, Mobility Derek Jones

How to Equip the Tek RMD for Outdoor Use

Have you see the Tek RMD yet? It's been described as a "moving standing frame" or the "Tek RMD wheelchair". It's not really a standing frame or a wheelchair actually, but it has some of the attributes of each.

A Tek RMD can allow persons with weak or paralysed legs to move easily between a seated and a standing position and then allow them to move around in their environment. Being narrower than a wheelchair it is easy to move around indoors and doesn’t take up so much space.

For most people that choose to use a Tek RMD they can enjoy a great standing posture and greatly increase their ability to stand during the day which we all know is good for health. Sitting in a wheelchair can be efficient to move around but the posture is not exactly health-giving.

In this article with video we see how to change the Tek RMD from indoor to outdoor trim

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Lower Motor Neuron Lesion versus Upper Motor Lesion

In physical rehabilitation, it is often the case that intensive effort is applied to exploit the natural ability of the body to adapt to the consequences of injury. This property, known as neuroplasticity is not yet fully understood but it at least represents hope that some functional recovery is possible in many cases. In many cases there will remain a functional deficit and ultimately we find ways to compensate for function that cannot be recovered.

The nervous system is a very complex, adaptable structure, that can be disrupted by illness or injury. Rehabilitation strategies to apply in a particular case obviously depend on the nature and extent of injury.

Clinicians might refer to an "upper motor" or "lower motor" lesion when discussing a particular case. What do these terms mean? In this article we review the meaning of these statements and the consequences for rehabilitation. Some of our electrical stimulation products relate to problems with the nervous system and may help to restore or compensate for loss of function following injury or illness. Which products are relevant to these types of lesions?

Let's start by reviewing some aspects of the nervous system.

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spinal cord injury, rehabilitation Derek Jones spinal cord injury, rehabilitation Derek Jones

Rehabilitation for Spinal Cord Injury:

Experiencing a spinal cord injury (SCI) can be life-altering and poses significant challenges in everyday life. However, with comprehensive rehabilitation and the right support, restoring some functionality, independence, and an enhanced quality of life is not just a dream, but a realistic goal.

This article shines a light on the journey of SCI rehabilitation, highlighting the array of specialised strategies and programs that are designed to cater to the unique needs of each. It discusses the limitations of state healthcare and alternative resources, such as private therapists and rehabilitation facilities, while also highlighting the importance of early personal injury legal advice in negligence cases. The piece underscores the impact of rehabilitation on physical and psychological well-being and advocates for a multidisciplinary treatment approach.

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