FES Cycling: How it elevates rehabilitation and fitness with 5 extraordinary benefits

Discover the revolutionary FES Cycling systems by Anatomical Concepts. Improve mobility and overall health post neurological condition with electrical muscle stimulation. Explore the top five benefits of FES bikes in this informative post.

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Do you want the best FES Bike?

Discover how choosing an FES bike can transform your fitness and independence. Overcome barriers and embrace the possibilities that technology and determination offer. Find a bike that supports your goals and encourages regular use for the best outcomes in your fitness journey. Harness the power of FES bikes to unlock your potential.

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Making FES Cycling system adjustments

The RehaMove FES Cycling system (sometimes known as an FES bike) is widely used by clients to allow them to exercise paralysed muscles actively. There are many benefits of doing this following a neurological condition such as a spinal cord injury.

This video may be of general interest, but will be particularly useful to existing users of our FES Cycling system who wish to get more from using the product. The video is around 15 minutes long and it addresses three commonly asked questions

  • Why should I use an FES bike?

  • When and why should I change the stimulation settings?

  • How should I make these changes?

The video distinguishes between training for a goal and general exercise and looks at a useful structure to think about how to train, The effect of changing each of the stimulation parameters is considered. You might want to term on subtitles when viewing the video.

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