Orthotics Products
450RKG - Infant PRAFO
Standard RAPO
Specifically sized for your infant patients, the 450RKG eliminates pressure and seer at the heeland across the ankle in the same way as our adult and paediatric models. With recumbent patients it is used to prevent pressure sores at the heel or malleoli areas due to pressure from a mattress. As the PRAFO uses a metal upright structure it resists the development of plantarflexion contractures when muscle tone might be high - for example in early stroke rehabilitation. Preventing contractures and heel ulcers can make a big difference to the potential for rehabilitation.
Using the 450RKG can accelerate the prospects for rehabilitation by allowing safe ambulation at the earliest opportunity. This design is a great choice for immediate fit & early intervention in acute or sub acute rehabilitation of the patient. The device is suitable for left and right and adjusts to various infant foot and lower-limb sizes.
450RKG Features
All PRAFO are made with a metal upright structure ensuring it resists the development of plantarflexion contractures.
Rotation Control
You can immediately control inversion or eversion of the foot of the recumbent patient with a simple turn of the rotation control bar.
Foot Length Adjustable
No need to worry about measuring or finding the correct size orthosis. Each PRAFO has an adjustable footplate so that it can be quickly adjusted to any foot size and ensuring a good fit for your patient.
Height Adjustable
Quickly adjust the height with the turn of a screw, thus maximising your ability to fit to the patient’s anatomy and utilise the best leverage.
Highly Adjustable.
One of the stand out features of the PRAFO is its adjustability. The robust structure can be adjusted to fit your patient with a few simple steps, so there’s no need to hold multiple sizes in stock
If you need additional adjustments you might want to use our Interactive Tool to help you select the best PRAFO.
The PRAFO is a versatile orthosis which is advised for use over a wide range of clinical applications. The below examples are not exhaustive, but give you an indication of when you might choose a PRAFO.
Pressure Ulcers
The PRAFO ankle foot range of devices ensure zero pressure and shear at the heel - eliminating the main cause of ulceration and providing the essential mechanical environment for healing.
When we look at the consequences for the NHS we know that the average length of hospital stay for a patient with a diabetic foot ulcer is 13 days longer than someone without. Foot ulceration is easily preventable and treatable with a PRAFO.
Learn More about CPR for Diabetic Foot.
Use as a recumbent foot and ankle positioning system to resist development contractures. Restore mobility earlier with safe ambulation on a stable walking base.
Fitting Guide & Instructions
Learn how to fit, adjust and wear your PRAFO.
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Cleaning Instructions
How to properly care for and clean your PRAFO and liner.
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Instructional Videos
For additional visual guidance on fitting and adjusting your PRAFO.
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As we saw in a recent article, pressure ulcers remain a serious problem. A plethora of medical and “mechanical” risk factors combine, leading to more than 400,000 pressure ulcers in the UK each year.
We could say that it’s not what you “put on” an at risk foot that provides protection - it’s what you take off - specifically pressure and shear. The PRAFO designs are effective means of doing just that.