A Genuine Prafo Ankle Foot Orthosis is the Best Option for Your Foot and Ankle Support
Orthotists often confront situations that require quick and confident action and an off-the-shelf solution to common heel, foot and ankle issues. It might be for heel pressure ulcer prevention or treatment with a vulnerable patient - perhaps following a hip fracture, with diabetic foot disease or post-stroke.
With so many different product options on the market, it can be overwhelming trying to determine which one is best for you. However, if you're looking for a high-quality ankle foot orthosis (AFO) that instantly provides the ultimate heel and foot protection and support whether the patient is ambulant or recumbent, you can't go wrong with a genuine PRAFO ankle foot orthosis (AFO). But what do we mean by a genuine PRAFO? Well, there is only one source of these.
PRAFO AFOs have been designed by experienced orthotists since 1990 to fit the clinical and biomechanical requirements of practising orthotists; providing unmatched protection and stability to the foot and ankle complex. PRAFO AFOs are a reliable option giving many of the benefits of a custom solution with off-the-shelf products.
In this article, we'll explore the benefits of choosing a genuine PRAFO AFO for your foot and ankle support needs, and why it's the best choice for those seeking the highest level of effectiveness.
What is a Genuine PRAFO AFO?
First of all, we would point out that the term PRAFO is a registered trademark in the USA, UK and well, basically, the whole world. This means that the term 'PRAFO' should not be associated with any product other than those manufactured by Anatomical Concepts. If you see a website referring to their product as a PRAFO, be aware that this is not genuine unless the product is manufactured by Anatomical Concepts. There are important differences between a genuine PRAFO and its imitators as we will see.
Benefits of Using a Genuine PRAFO
When compared to other AFOs on the market, a genuine PRAFO AFO stands out in several ways.
One of the most important benefits is not obvious when looking at the designs on a website. The real PRAFO enjoys a metal structure that connects the proximal and distal sections - the heel connector.
In a genuine PRAFO, the heel connector bar is ALWAYS metal - either aluminium or steel depending on the load requirement.
The original 650SKG had a one-piece, aluminium heel connector, which needed to be adjusted with bending irons - typically available to orthotists but not to other healthcare professionals. With the development and refinement of the product, the heel connector bar became fully adjustable in some PRAFO versions.
For example, the 652SKG allowed easy dorsiflexion/plantarflexion adjustment with a screwdriver and the 653SKG added valgus/varus adjustment also.
Only the genuine PRAFO products feature the metal upright structure joining the proximal (calf) and distal (foot) sections.
Clinically this is important for the following reasons
The metal structure can be adjusted to precisely accommodate existing foot/ankle anomalies without compromising the structural integrity of the brace. Imitation products feature plastic structures that are cheaper and typically cannot be adjusted safely - and certainly not with any precision.
When the patient has a high tone or potential to develop contractures at the foot and ankle, the genuine PRAFO designs can resist these deformities from developing. If you use a product with a plastic heel connector, the structure will not prevent the development of these deformities. As the structure deforms you could increase the pressure on the metatarsal heads and finish up with pressure ulcers there.
If the patient is to be mobilised, the PRAFO has other benefits such as the permanently attached walking base, a range of liners offering superior control and tissue management and an ability to optimise gait via a range of adjustments.
Applications of a Genuine PRAFO AFO
The PRAFO range has a wide range of applications as showcased in the image below within the categories of neurological rehabilitation, medical and surgical and orthopaedic.
The range of benefits described above is the reason that such a broad range of applications can be dealt with.
Some of the potential applications of the PRAFO range
As one device such as a PRAFO can cope with many situations such as simple prophylaxis or complex mobility situations, continuity of care is provided for.
Continuity of care means that we can smooth the transition from one rehabilitation stage to another efficiently and effectively.
Using an inexpensive, plastic AFO for temporary heel protection may be fine originally when the patient is in bed for a short period but totally inadequate if the patient has a high tone, pre-existing deformity at the foot and ankle or you wish to mobilise them as soon as possible. The PRAFO range can cope well with these various situations allowing care to progress smoothly.
Choose the Right PRAFO AFO for Your Needs
When choosing a PRAFO AFO, it's important to consider your unique needs.
In general terms, you can choose
Adult, paediatric or infant sizes
Different levels of adjustability
Different liner styles to suit the situation - taking into account whether the priority is tissue viability, foot and ankle control for ambulation, accommodating wound dressings
Whether your patient needs a heavy-duty structure due to their weight (Bariatric versions of the PRAFO are available.
Liners are washable (single-person use) and replaceable. The standard liner is a Kodel (synthetic sheepskin) with great loft and durability to protect fragile tissue.
Each PRAFO design suits left or right legs, is adjustable in foot length and calf height and features an “anti-rotation” bar (shown above) that can prevent internal or external rotation of the product when recumbent. Preventing pressure on the medial or lateral malleoli can be important in some cases.
The image below shows how we feel heel ulcer protection devices should be chosen and why the PRAFO range stands out in this regard.
How to think about heel ulcer protection with a genuine PRAFO ankle foot orthosis
How to Get a Genuine PRAFO AFO
In the UK, Anatomical Concepts (UK) Ltd is the sole originator of the PRAFO orthotic range and we deal directly with many NHS hospitals as well as with B2B partners who are often orthotic product and service providers with supply contracts to particular hospitals.
Please contact us to learn of your options and ask about supplies for your facility.
Who should be fitting a PRAFO?
Just as with any medical device, there are indications and contraindications for use. However, any competent healthcare professional will be able to fit and supervise the use of a PRAFO ankle foot orthosis. A typical situation may involve any of the following professionals
an orthotist
a physiotherapist
a tissue viability nurse
However, the PRAFO range is easy to fit and fitting instructions are always provided. The following short video shows the fitting process of a 650SKG PRAFO
In conclusion, when it comes to choosing the best ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) for your foot and ankle support needs, a genuine PRAFO AFO from Anatomical Concepts is the ideal option.
As a protected trademark, the term "PRAFO" should only be associated with products manufactured by Anatomical Concepts, ensuring the highest level of quality and effectiveness.
A genuine PRAFO AFO stands out from other products on the market due to its unique features. One notable feature is the metal structure connecting the proximal and distal sections, specifically the heel connector. Unlike imitators that use plastic structures, the genuine PRAFO's metal structure allows for precise adjustments, accommodating existing foot and ankle anomalies without compromising the brace's structural integrity. It also resists deformities and prevents the development of pressure ulcers in patients with high tone or potential contractures.
Furthermore, a genuine PRAFO offers a range of additional benefits, such as a permanently attached walking base, superior control and tissue management through various liners, and the ability to optimize gait with adjustable settings. Its versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, including neurological rehabilitation, medical and surgical cases, and orthopaedic conditions, ensuring continuity of care throughout the rehabilitation process.
When choosing a PRAFO AFO, it's important to consider your unique needs, including size, adjustability, liner styles, and the patient's weight. Anatomical Concepts (UK) Ltd is the sole originator of the PRAFO orthotic range in the UK, and they work directly with NHS hospitals and B2B partners to provide supplies. Competent healthcare professionals, such as orthotists, physiotherapists, or tissue viability nurses, can easily fit and supervise the use of a PRAFO AFO, thanks to the straightforward fitting instructions provided.
For the ultimate heel and foot protection, choose a genuine PRAFO AFO from Anatomical Concepts. Experience the unmatched quality, stability, and effectiveness that sets it apart from other products on the market.